Sunday, June 1, 2014

YouTube - Ochikeron

Do you ever, like, just have too many bananas?

Okay, so the story here is that my dad woke up before my mom and I to go buy groceries. Then, my mom and I went to the local Farmers' Market--but there were no veggies. So we went to the closest grocery store, saw that bananas were on sale for $2.99 for a bag (our's had 13), and thought 'score, fresh bananas at such a cheap price!'. Then the mayhem started, because apparently bananas were also on sale at the grocery store that my dad went to and now we have like thirty bananas basically ripe and about to rot.

But, we also have people coming over for dinner on Thursday and they happen to love dessert of any kind so...


...was my initial idea. Here's the thing, though: I am Asian. I mean, that's not really important, it just means that most of the "western" cakes of my childhood were chiffon cakes or other cakes equally as light and fluffy. "Non-Asian" western cakes (hahaha, wut.) just seem really dense and dry too quickly for my liking. So I thought, we live in an age of convenient information. Let me exploit this... And I googled: "Asian banana cake".

The first thing that came up was this dessert called Tokyo Banana. And this Tokyo Banana recipe came in the form of a YouTube video by Ochikeron (specific video here). I watched the video out of curiosity--what the heck is a "Tokyo Banana"?--but her videos are so clean, cute, professional, and easy, that I couldn't help but look at, like...all of the rest shhhhh.

Seriously, though, her videos are really amazing--the food looks so delicious and cute, the recipes are so easy, and her utensils are amazing, I'm not gonna lie.

So, I didn't get many banana dessert recipes; but, I did learn a lot of cool dessert recipes and baking tips! I'm gonna count my wins, not my losses.

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