Thursday, July 3, 2014


It's only been less than a month, and I'm already going on hiatus. What is this life.

Firstly, I apologize for straying from schedule and disappearing! What seemed to happened is that I'm still used to my high school timetable, and with nothing to do in what used to be the two busiest months of my school year, I was more than a little depressed. Not that I was too aware of it until it started to go away. I don't want anyone to be confused, though. I'm not trying to say that depression is something that easily comes and goes or anything--nor am I trying to romanticize illness. Simply, I was unhappy, and nothing was able to cheer me up.

That's why I started this blog. To give me something to do, to make me happy and full of purpose.

Then the end of June came. With June came the feeling of summer and, more specifically, not wanting to do anything. Yes, the summer holiday mood has finally kicked in. And so has my schedule. It's funny, isn't it? That, when you want to do something, you have nothing to do; but when you don't want to do anything, there's always a lot that needs to be done.

As soon as I became lazy, more of my friends began texting me to for coffee dates or shopping trips or movie nights. Then, it also kicked in that I have to arrange a time for my correspondence tests and to renew my license.  I also, finally, have my own laptop. It's just too bad that I don't know how to use it. As funny as that may sound, I am not lying when I say I cannot use new technology without help. Then this, then that... I just didn't have time!

Right now, I'm also in the middle of cleaning my house--which includes going through boxes that have been untouched for more than a decade--and I will probably be on leave until August. Which is really too bad, because my birthday is in July!

I have been keeping up with DIY Tuesdays and Tip of the Weeks, though. When I get back to blogging, I will overwhelm you with my newfound knowledge! Promise.