Friday, August 22, 2014

Favourite Fridays - ice wine tea

On Tuesday I bought Canada True's ice wine tea from my local Winners. It instantly became a favourite! Here's a picture, but mine doesn't look like this at all (or any of the pictures that I've seen) so maybe it was a reject. It does have "Canada True" on the top, though.

The tea has a very nice and sweet aroma, but I'm not a big fan of the tea itself. To be honest, the tea doesn't taste like much. It is a very watered-down version of what it smells like and is not very sweet at all, unlike it's alcoholic counterpart. This is also, however, why I like it.

Here's a picture, but mine doesn't look like this at all (or any of the pictures that I've seen) so maybe it was a reject. It does have "Canada True" on the top, though.

You see, I really, really like how it smells; and since it basically tastes like water, it's perfect for mixing with other drinks! So, what I've been doing with it is combining it with other teas that have no aroma but a really strong taste. For example, lemon teas that are very sour, but don't smell like lemon.     Or those frozen fruit concentrates that you add water to.

Here's my recipe:

1 teabag of sour lemon tea
2 teabags of ice wine tea
4 cups of water
1 can of peach fruit punch
Frozen fruit of your choosing

Boil the teabags in the four cups of water. Let it cool for about fifteen minutes to half an hour or so so that it is still warm, but not boiling. You should have about 3 1/2 cups of tea. Mix it with your fruit concentrate. Add frozen fruit for extra flavour and to cool it faster. Refrigerate.

Might look something like this?

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